Lingfield Parish Council is a small local authority with seven councillors elected for four years. The next elections will be held in 2027 but by-elections may be held to fill vacancies occuring between elections. Each year the Council raises a 'precept' on council tax payers to cover the cost of running expenses which in 2023 amounts to £62,400. We also receive a small income from allotment rent but most of this is reinvested into the sites. The Clerk (and Responsible Finance Officer) is employed by the Parish Council to attend meetings and implement decisions taken by the Council. The Parish Office is open to the public four mornings a week. Parish Council members are volunteers but we have adopted a system of members’ allowances to enable us to compensate councillors for their expenditure on telephone calls and computer consumables. The level of allowance at the moment is £25 per member for telephone calls and £25 per member for computer consumables. There is a higher allowance for the Chairman and Chairman of the Planning Committee, up to a maximum of £150 per year.
The Parish Council usually meets on the last Wednesday of the month (excluding August and December). The Planning Committee has delegated powers and meets roughly every two weeks. This is necessary because of the 21 day consultation period on planning applications. All members of the parish council are also on the planning committee.
Some members have extra responsibilities or serve on outside bodies. These are listed below:-
Planning Committee - all members
Surrey and Sussex Association of Local Councils Cllrs Duggan and Downing
Lingfield Wildlife Area Cllrs Marks and Lockwood
Gatwick Airport Cllr Lockwood
Neighbourhood Plan Cllrs Hearnden, Lockwood and Marks
Allotments Cllr Downing
Finance Cllr Hearnden
Pond Working Group Cllr Fudge
Lingfield Library Cllr Duggan
What We Do
Lingfield Parish Council: